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Naming History
Silicon is named for the Latin words silex or silicis meaning flint due to the flints made from Silicon used by Ancient civilizations.
Silicon was used early in history in the form of silica used to make sharp flints and glass. Despite being used early in history and being abundant, Silicon was of little interest to chemists until the1800's. Humphry Davy was one of the first chemists to inquire about the compostion of silica when he correctly guesses that it was a compound rather than an element. An impure form of Silicon was synthesized in 1811 by Joseph Gay Lussac and Louis Jacques Thenard by reacting Potassium metal and silicon tetrachloride. Years later in 1824 a pure sample of Silicon was obtained by Jons Jacob Berzelius who heated potassium fluorosilicate (K2[SiF6]) and Potassium metal obtaining a pure Silicon powder which he called silicium, later changed to Silicon to match with similar non-metal elements like Carbon and Boron.
Silicon is a non-metal that falls to Earth in the form of certain meterotires known as aerolites or tektites.
Human blood contains 4 parts per million (ppm) Silicon.
Silicon is also present in human bones with a concentration of 17 ppm.
Human tissues contain 100-200 ppm Silicon depending on where it is located in the body.
There is an average of 1 g of Silicon in the human body.
Earths crust contains 28% Silicon making it the 2nd most abudant element.
Silicon is a key component in soil.
Naturally Occurring Minerals
Silicon is so abundant in the Earths crust because of its common ion silicate (SiO4). Some minerals that contain silicates are commonly mined minerals such as talc (Mg3Si4O10(OH)2) and mica (AB2–3(X, Si)4O10(O, F, OH)2) as well as more precious gem stones such as opal (SiO2) and quartz (SiO2).
Where can I find this element @ home
Silicon is a major component in glass and is found in all things made of glass.
The daily intake of Silicon varies across a wide range of 20 - 1200 mg with most of that coming from different cereals.
Silicon is used to make silicones which have many different uses such as lubricants, oils, sealants and rubber hoses.
Silicon oils are also commonly found in cosmetics and hair conditioners.
Semiconductors contain an ultra pure form of Silicon to fascilitate charge transfer in various electronic devices.